Giving a podium
The public domain as a Human Rights Institute where an exchange between different social groups can take place and actually takes place. It becomes a platform focused for exchange between different social groups, the layers, of Den Haag. Culture/education, terraces, shopping and politics. The square is becoming the transition of the political area and the usual life of Den Hague. A new square has been created to be the meeting point for people and to exchange. The four layers will meet in the middle of the building and form an Agora. The Agora as the center point of the building where people gather together as a square where all knowledge can be exchanged. The building and the new square will be lifted under need the ground level of Den Hague so the open structure of this area will be saved. This platform will form a social cohesion where meeting and publicity are central within the inside and outside spaces in the building. Giving a podium to the people